The Keeping It Fresh & Safe Tool Kit is your number one weapon to ensuring the food you serve your family is safe.

Included in this 44 page resource

  1. Over 25 pages packed full of ways to keep your produce, condiments, and pantry items fresh.
  2. Refrigerated Food Storage Guides - 5 pages showing how long you can store all of your meats in the fridge & freezer.
  3. Safe Defrosting Methods - This guide will offer guidence on the proper way to safely defrost your meat.
  4. Cross-Contamination Guide - This is the most comprehensive guide that will point out a few things you may be doing in the kitchen, you never realized could jeopardize the health of you and your family.
  5. Baby Food Storage Guide - Keeping baby's leftovers can sometimes be a struggle, but this guide has you covered.
  6. Thermometer Placement Guide - Learn where to place your meat thermometer exactly to ensure an accurate reading.